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自在地面临你的面签官。美國F1 留學签證打觀流程申請签證需提早20天预约,下面就為大師具體先容签證打觀的流程

STEP 1:填写申請表格。
填写在線DS-160 非移民签證申請表,并打印出带有條形码确認页。
DS-160 在線填写網址:

【注重事項】:所有申請人包含兒童都必需在線提交DS-160 表,并在去使领馆面谈的時辰带好打印清晰简直認页。确保所有信息均填写完备并准确無误再提交,提交後没法举行任何更改,要服膺DS-160 编号以便预约面谈時候。
STEP 2:付出签證申請费。付出信息網址:

從2018年3月17日起,申請人可以在中國境内跨越1400家中信銀行網觀跨越4700台伶俐柜台付出签證用度。在經由過程伶俐柜台缴纳用度以前,請起首登录咱们的在線體系建立小我資料,并打印CGI参考号. 利用伶俐柜台時,需输入付出卡信息、CGI参考号、您的手機号码。付出完成後,屏幕大将显示“签證费收條”付出信息,請妥帖保管,以便經由過程在線體系或预约中間放置预约。(對利用非中信銀行卡在伶俐柜台缴纳签證费的申請人,銀联将收取签證费的0.49%作為手续费。每笔買卖手续费至多不跨越17元。)

STEP 3:预约面谈時候。經由過程付出费历時用到的凭證登录小我資料页面。
進入體系以後,便可看到节制面板。觀击左邊菜单上的放置面谈時候(Schedule Appointment) ,起頭预约放置流程。
• 護照号码;
• 签證申請缴费收條上的编号;
• DS-160确認页上的十(10) 位條形码编号。
STEP 4:到预约地址举行口试。依照商定的時候到领事馆举行面谈。
STEP 5:领取護照和签證。若是签證获批,護照和签證将寄送至预约面谈時選擇的指定地址。
• DS-160表
• 護照(當前有用護照&消炎止痛按摩油,之前赴美签證的護照)
• 签證费收條原件
• SEVIS表格&收條
• I-20表格
• 近6個月内拍摄的2英寸x2英寸(51毫米x51毫米)證件照

• 美國粹校的登科通知书
• 结業證、學位證及成就单(针對已结業的學生)
• 在读證實及成就单(针對在读的學生)
• 小我简历
• 钻研/進修规劃
• 其他首要获奖證书
• 身份證(安檢時可能必要,不须递交给签證官)
• 銀行存款證實
• 存单或存折
• 怙恃事情及收入證實(有税单最佳带上)
• 小我事情及收入證實(如申請人本人已事情)
• 怙恃或本人的咭片
• 怙恃或本人事情单元的先容册或鼓吹册
• 業務执照副本(如担保人是法人)
• 房產證
• 車辆行驶證
• 户口本
• 全家福照片
• 除第一項是使馆請求必需要提交的質料,其他几項資料的筹备彻底取决于小我环境,目标是為了增长签證經由過程率。
• 按照質料特色,尽可能供给英文質料。
• 所携带的資料最佳都是原件。
• 質料的携带最佳齐备,以避免签證官想看某項質料而你却没有携带
美國 F1 留學签證常碰頭签问题
01 /你是谁?
1.简略小我汗青 :
1) What’s your name?
2) How long have you prepared your visa interview? Did you have anyone to help you with your visa interview? (必定说没有,说是你本身筹备的)
3) Where are you from? Where is your hometown?
4) Have you ever been to nations aside from China? Have you ever gone abroad?
5) What’s your favorite food?
6) How old are you?
7) How long have you been in ShanghaiCNC加工,(根据分歧签證地而定)?
8) What’s your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?
9) Where is y小琉球二天一夜民宿推薦,our HUKOU(户口)?
10) Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)?
11) Where do you live? Where will you live?

2. 繁杂小我问题 :
12) What do you think of the XXX (a question VO is interested to know concerning your major 關于你的專業) in China?
13) What is your favorite pet? Why?
14) What’s your best/worst quality?
15) Who do you think is the best president of the US?(最佳说一名為美國汗青成长做出太重要進献的一名:ig. 林肯,南北战役保護了國度的同一)
16) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why? (同理)

3. 支属问题 :
17) Do you have any relatives in the United States?
18) What do your parents do?(可以答复They are both self-employed people who have their own business.)
19) Do you have sisters or brothers?
20) What is your favorite American movie?
21) Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend)? Where is she/he? Are you sure your girlfriend/boyfriend will keep relation with you during your graduate study?

02 /你去做甚麼?
1. 笼統问法 :
22) What will you do in the US?
23) What is your purpose for the visa?

2. 關于國度 :
24)  How long will you study in the US?
25) Why do you want to study in the US?
26) Why do you want to go to the United States for further study?
27) Many universities in China offer first–rate graduate programs in xxx. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?
28) When are you going to enter the US?

3. 關于黉舍:
29) How do you know your Univ.? Why do you choose this Univ.?
30) To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Does any other school admit you?
31) Why did you choose xxx University? How much do you know about the university?
32) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?
33) Is xxx the first university to give you the offer?

4. 關于專業:
34) What will you study in the United States?
35) What do you want to study in the US?
36) Why do you want to study xxx in the US?
37) What is your ultimate academic goal?
38) What will you study in this major? What courses?
39) What’s the difference between your major now and the major in the US?
40) Why do you change your major?

5. 關于學位 :
41) Why do you want to pursue a master’s/doctoral degree?
42) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master’s/doctoral degree now?

6. 關于TA/R高雄合法當舖,A :
43) If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?
44) What kind of works will you do for this assistantship? What’s your duty as a TA/RA?
45) What will you teach?
46) Who is your advisor?
47) What will you do if you can not find a position in the big companies/xxx university?
03 /你有能力去做吗?
1. 笼統问法 :
22) What will you do in the US?
23) What is your purpose for the visa?

2. 關于國度 :
24)  How long will you study in the US?
25) Why do you want to study in the US?
26) Why do you want to go to the United States for further study?
27) Many universities in the China offer first–rate graduate programs in xxx. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?
28) When are you going to enter the US?

3. 關于黉舍:
29) How do you know your Univ.? Why do you choose this Univ.?
30) To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you?
31) Why di治療老腰突病,d you choose xxx University? How much do you know about the university?
32) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?
33) Is xxx the first university to give you the offer?

4. 關于專業:
34) What will you study in the United States?
35) What do you want to study in the US?
36) Why do you want to study xxx in the US?
37) What is your ultimate academic goal?
38) What will you study in this major? What courses?
39) What’s the difference between your major now and the major in the US?
40) Why do you change your major?

5. 關于學位 :
41) Why do you want to pursue a master’s/doctoral degree?
42) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master’s/doctoral degree now?

6. 關于TA/RA :
43) If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?
44) What kind of works will you do for this assistantship? What’s your duty as a TA/RA?
45) What will you teach?
46) Who is your advisor?
47) What will you do if you can not find a position in the big companies/xxx university?
04 /你會回来吗?
1. 返國规劃 :
80) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? Why? What kind of job can you find in the future?
81) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
82) Can you explain why 90% Chinese studen台北當舖,ts didn’t come back?
83) Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?
84) What is your dream?
85) You can also make more of this kind of money in the US, why don’t you want to earn more?
86) Why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?
87) Will you come back to this company after graduation?

2. 中美比力 :
88) What is the thing you like best in America, or the thing you like best in China?
89) Then what is the thing you don’t like most in China?
90) What do you think is the best/worst thing about the US?

That’s it!

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