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@全%7vAv9%球大大%q692j%都@國度都容许投資移民。近日,咨询公司Henley and Partners举行了一項钻研,他们阐發了分歧國度的投資移民步伐,根据列國投資移民的性價比對其举行排序。下面是歐盟國度中移民最轻易且廉價的國度。

Most countries in汽車補漆筆, the白芸豆減肥, world offer a deal offering fast-tracked residency permits and, ultimately, citizenship in return for investments in local businesses and property.

With the UK voting to leave the European Union, it is becoming more attractive for wealthy Brits to look elsewhere for access to the European single market and the freedom of movement to travel and work across the 28-nation trading bloc.

A study by citizenship consultancy firm Henley and Partners analys刀具收纳架,ed the progra妹妹es offered by different governments across the world, ranking them by value, quality and reputation among other metrics.
公民資历咨询公司Henley and Partners举行了一項钻研,他们阐發了全球分歧當局的移民步伐,根据其價值、质量和其他指标上的荣誉對它们举行排序。

Here are the EU countries that performed the best for cheap and easy access to residency.

12. Bulgaria - A deposit of around €500,000 in a Bulgarian government bond portfolio for five years is enough to qualify for Bulgaria's residency progra妹妹e.

11. Greece - After being granted a so-called "D" visa, investors can apply for Greek residency after purchasing properties with a total value of €250,000.

10. Cyprus - The Mediterranean island offers a low corporation tax of 12.5% for residents' businesses but to apply you need to buy a property worth more than €300,000.

9. Monaco - Residents of Monaco are not subject to income tax, capital gains tax or wea九州娛樂城被抓,lth tax and are able to travel visa-free to all Schengen area countries.

8. Jersey - The island of Jersey is attractive for its low tax regime and mild climate. The minimum investment for residency costs £125,000 a year and is only open to those earning more than £625,000.

7. United Kingdom - The UK might not be cheap but it is an attractive destination for rich families looking for good private schooling. The residency progra妹妹e is tiered, asking for £2 million, £5 million and £10 million from investors.

6. Latvia - To obtain a Latvian temporary residence permit, one has to buy real estate worth €250,000 and pay a 5% government fee.

5. Spain - The country has a similar progra妹妹e to Portugal, and a resident permit can be obtained by buying a €500,000 house or investing €2 million in Spanish government debt.

4. Malta - Malta applies a low 15% tax rate for permanent residents, and the progra妹妹e can be accessed for relatively little money — the purchase of a €275,000 property should do it.

3. Portugal - To obtain Portuguese residency one can create 10 jobs with a business, transfer €1 million into a Portuguese bank or 男士抗皺面霜,buy a house for €500,000.

2. Belgium - A Belgian residency application takes as little as two months to process and employment in the country may be a qualifier on its own, negating the need for investment.

1. Austria - Austria offers 10 different types of residency permit that do not require an investment and which can be used for visa-free travel across the Schengen area.
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查看完整版本: 投資移民性價比最高的歐洲國家